5 de julio de 2021

The link between earwax and tinnitus: What you should know

Can earwax cause tinnitus? Discover the connection between tinnitus and earwax. Learn effective strategies for managing tinnitus symptoms caused by earwax.
Alexandra Costlow, Au.D.
Written by: 
Alexandra Costlow, Au.D.

Struggling with tinnitus and suspecting earwax could be the cause? The relationship between the two might not be as straightforward as you'd expect. Earwax plays a crucial role in safeguarding your ear canal. But when it comes to tinnitus, could this natural defence mechanism actually be a contributing factor?

In this comprehensive guide, we'll specifically explore the role of earwax in tinnitus, providing you with signs to look for and actionable solutions for relief.

Cera en los oídos y acúfenos: ¿cuál es la relación?

Es posible que la cera del oído sea la culpable del tinnitus si impide que el sonido penetre en el conducto. Es importante saber que la cera del oído, también conocida médicamente como cerumen, se produce de forma natural y sirve para proteger la piel del conducto auditivo.

Una vez que se haya sometido a una limpieza profesional de los oídos, si sigue notando acúfenos, la aplicación Oto le ofrece un enfoque integral para reducir la intrusión de acúfenos.

A continuación, encontrará una guía para saber si la cera del oído está causando tinnitus y cuándo, y qué se puede hacer al respecto para mejorar su tinnitus.

What is earwax?

Ear "wax", known medically as cerumen, is a bit of a misnomer in that it is not really wax like the substance of candles. Instead, it is a naturally occurring substance in the outer and inner ear that is comprised of:

  • Células de la piel
  • Oil from ceruminous and sebaceous glands

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Learn out to tune out tinnitus and tune back into life with Oto's clinically proven program
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What is the purpose of earwax?

Earwax serves several essential functions for your ear health. Contrary to popular belief, a healthy amount of the substance is generally not a cause of tinnitus, and symptoms may even subside naturally over time.

Functions of earwax:

  • Moisturisation: One of its primary roles is to moisturise the skin within the canal. This prevents dry, itchy ears, which can be uncomfortable and lead to other complications.
  • Protection: It acts as a natural barrier, trapping dirt, dust, and other particles that could otherwise enter the ear and potentially cause damage or infection.
  • Self-cleaning: Believe it or not, earwax contributes to the ear's self-cleaning mechanism. As it moves outward, it collects debris and helps in its natural expulsion.
  • Anti-microbial properties: The substance contains enzymes that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, offering another layer of protection against infections.
  • Sound transmission: While not its primary function, a moderate amount of earwax can also aid in the transmission of sound within the ear canal.

¿Cómo afecta la cera a los oídos?

El cerumen puede impedir que el sonido penetre en el conducto auditivo.
El cerumen puede impedir que el sonido penetre en el conducto auditivo.

La cera de los oídos debe existir en los oídos, pero puede llegar a ser problemática si:

  • Impide que el sonido penetre en el conducto auditivo externo, lo que provoca acúfenos.
  • Interfiere con el uso de auriculares, auriculares con cancelación de ruido o audífonos.
  • Provoca irritación o molestias en el oído*.

*Es importante tener en cuenta que existen otras causas de molestias e irritación del oído. Se recomienda consultar al médico de cabecera o al otorrinolaringólogo si los síntomas persisten.

Diferentes texturas y calidades de la cera de los oídos

Earwax can vary from person to person, and it depends on a number of variables such as genetics and ethnicity.

Some common variations include:

  • Mojado
  • Seco
  • Flaky
  • White/yellow
  • Dark purple, red, brown, or black (generally suggests that it has been in the canal for a longer period and sometimes may require medical attention)
  • Duro o impactado profundamente en el canal
  • Suave
  • Visible in small amounts or not noticeable at all
  • Clumpy or only present in certain parts of the canal

Is the colour, amount, and texture of your earwax normal? Check out this video to see what your earwax says about your health.

Can earwax cause tinnitus?

While tinnitus can have multiple causes, earwax buildup is one of the factors that can contribute to these symptoms. Below, we delve into various aspects of this question to provide a comprehensive understanding.

How does earwax buildup happen?

Earwax usually migrates out of the ear naturally. However, the following factors can lead to buildup:

  • Age: The consistency of our earwax can change as we age, becoming drier and harder to move through the ear canal. 
  • Use of hearing aids or earplugs: Devices inserted into the ear can prevent the migration of earwax, causing it to accumulate over time.
  • Anatomical structure: Some people have narrow or unusually shaped ear canals, which can hinder the flow.
  • Excessive production: Certain medical conditions or even a genetic predisposition can lead to excessive production, overwhelming the ear's cleaning process.
  • Lifestyle factors: Activities like swimming can introduce moisture into the ear, causing earwax to swell and potentially become trapped.
  • Manual removal attempts: Ironically, manual removal attempts using cotton swabs or other tools can often push the wax deeper into the ear canal, exacerbating the problem.

How does earwax cause tinnitus?

To understand how earwax causes tinnitus, it's essential to know how sound is conducted within the ear. 

Sound waves enter the ear canal and reach the eardrum, causing it to vibrate. These vibrations are then transferred to the inner ear, where they are processed and sent to the brain as sound signals. Any obstruction in this pathway can distort these transmissions, potentially leading to tinnitus.

When excessive earwax builds up, it can create two primary types of obstructions:

  • Pressing against the eardrum: This can dampen the eardrum's natural vibrations, affecting the quality of sound that is transmitted to the inner ear.
  • Blocking the ear canal: It can also create a blockage in the ear canal itself, preventing sound waves from reaching the eardrum effectively.

Both of these scenarios can distort the natural sound conduction process, leading to the perception of phantom noises like ringing, buzzing, or hissing, which are commonly associated with tinnitus.

Additionally, the pressure or fluid buildup caused by impacted earwax can irritate the delicate structures of the ear, further contributing to such symptoms. This can exacerbate the auditory distortions, making the tinnitus more persistent and potentially more severe.

With that said, the severity of symptoms can vary from person to person. For some, it may be a mild, temporary condition that resolves itself once the earwax is removed. For others, especially those with chronic earwax accumulation issues, the tinnitus can be more persistent and may require ongoing management.

Other symptoms of earwax-related tinnitus

When tinnitus is caused by earwax buildup, it's often not an isolated symptom. Recognising the common co-occurring signs is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.



Pérdida auditiva

The buildup obstructs sound waves, leading to diminished hearing. This is usually conductive in nature and often reversible upon earwax removal.

Fullness or pressure

A feeling of fullness, heaviness, or pressure in the ear occurs when the impacted earwax blocks the ear canal.

Ear pain

Some individuals experience aching or discomfort. The pain can range from mild to severe and may intensify when chewing or moving the jaw.

Vertigo or dizziness

Though less common, episodes of vertigo or dizziness can occur. The ear plays a crucial role in maintaining balance, and any obstruction can disrupt this system.

Itching or discharge

Itching or a discharge could indicate that the earwax has been in place for an extended period and may have led to an infection.

Auditory distortions

Other auditory distortions like echoing, muffling, or temporary deafness may occur. 

Tinnitus fluctuations

The intensity and type of sounds may vary. Activities involving jaw movement, such as eating or talking, can shift the impacted earwax, making the tinnitus more pronounced.

Diagnosing earwax-related tinnitus

If you're experiencing severe symptoms like persistent tinnitus, significant hearing loss, or intense ear pain and suspect it is related to earwax buildup, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. They will typically perform a physical check of the ears using an otoscope to visualise the ear canal and eardrum. In some cases, additional examinations may be necessary, such as a hearing test or imaging studies.

How to remove excessive earwax

If you're dealing with issues related to excessive earwax, you're likely wondering how to safely and effectively remove the buildup. Here’s how to do it correctly:

Over-the-counter solutions

  • Ear drops: Saline-based or carbamide peroxide ear drops can soften the earwax, making it easier to remove. These come with a bulb syringe to gently flush out the softened earwax. Make sure to use warm water to avoid dizziness. Importantly, follow the instructions on the packaging and consult a pharmacist if you have any concerns.

Home remedies

  • Warm oil: A few drops of warm olive or mineral oil can help. Tilt your head to one side and use a dropper to apply the oil. Wait for five to 10 minutes before tilting your head the other way to let the oil and wax drain out.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: A solution of hydrogen peroxide and water can also be effective. However, this method is not recommended for those with sensitive skin or ear infections.

Manual removal

  • Curette: Some people opt for manual removal using a curette. This should only be done by a healthcare provider to avoid damaging the ear canal or eardrum.
  • Microsuction: This is a medical procedure which involves the use of a microscope and a small suction device to remove the earwax. It's considered safe and effective but should only be performed by a qualified individual.

What to avoid

  • Cotton swabs: Contrary to popular belief, cotton swabs can push the earwax further into the ear canal, exacerbating the problem.
  • Candling: This method involves inserting a hollow candle into the ear and lighting it to create a vacuum to draw out the earwax. However, it's widely considered to be ineffective and potentially dangerous.
  • Sharp items: Do not use any other sharp object in the canal which can damage or perforate the eardrum.
  • Special cases: If you have a history of a tear or hole in the eardrum (medically referred to as a tympanic membrane perforation) or ear surgery, do not treat yourself. Consult an otolaryngologist for earwax removal.

Precautions and aftercare

  • Follow-up: After any earwax removal procedure, a follow-up appointment is recommended to ensure that all the residue has been successfully withdrawn and to check for any potential complications.
  • Ongoing maintenance: If you're prone to earwax buildup, your healthcare provider may recommend regular check-ups and possibly preventive treatment.

¿Con qué frecuencia hay que eliminar la cera de los oídos?

Un profesional puede recomendarle que programe una depilación rutinaria en función de su historial y sus necesidades.

La mayoría de las personas no necesitarán que se les controle el cerumen, pero en el caso de las que sí lo necesiten, la frecuencia con que se les revise, controle o elimine dependerá de diversos factores:

  • ¿Tiene antecedentes de acumulación excesiva de cera?
  • ¿Se puede tratar el cerumen en casa?
  • ¿Se acumula la cera en el oído y obstruye el conducto?
  • ¿Provoca el cerumen dificultades auditivas, oídos tapados, irritación, picor, acúfenos u otras molestias en los oídos?

Es una buena idea hablar con su otorrinolaringólogo sobre la conveniencia y el momento de eliminar el cerumen para determinar si es necesario concertar citas previas para la eliminación del cerumen o si existen técnicas caseras que pueden ser seguras y eficaces.

Para las personas que necesitan depilación profesional, el procedimiento suele programarse una vez cada dos semanas o meses.

¿Mejora el tinnitus la eliminación de la cera de los oídos?

Para que la eliminación del cerumen mejore el tinnitus, el cerumen debe impedir que el sonido pase a través del conducto auditivo y el método de eliminación debe eliminar una cantidad suficiente de cerumen para crear una vía para el sonido.

Es posible que la eliminación de la cera pueda mejorar el tinnitus si ablanda la cera de modo que salga de los oídos de forma natural.

La eliminación del cerumen que impide que el sonido pase a través del conducto auditivo externo hasta el tímpano puede mejorar el tinnitus de forma inmediata.

El acúfeno puede desaparecer por completo o simplemente mejorar (sonar más suave o parecer más tolerable).

A veces el acúfeno no mejora, y en este caso se supone que el cerumen no es el único factor que contribuye al acúfeno.

Other causes of tinnitus beyond earwax buildup

It's essential to recognise that tinnitus can have multiple causes. If you've ruled out earwax buildup or have experienced only temporary relief after its removal, you may need to explore other potential reasons for your symptoms. This section aims to shed light on the various factors.

  • Age-related hearing loss: As you age, your hearing naturally deteriorates. This decline is most commonly observed in individuals over the age of 60.
  • Noise exposure: Exposure to loud noises, whether sudden or over an extended period, can cause temporary or even permanent tinnitus. Hence, occupations involving loud machinery or frequent attendance at loud concerts can put you at risk.
  • Medications: Certain medications, including some antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, and certain diuretics, can cause tinnitus as a side effect. Always consult your healthcare provider if you suspect your medication is causing your symptoms.
  • Ear or head injuries: Injuries to the ear or head can affect the inner ear. This includes traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and damage to the ear bones.
  • Cardiovascular issues: Poor circulation, high blood pressure, or arterial issues can also be a cause. In such cases, the condition often manifests as a pulsing sound in sync with your heartbeat.
  • Meniere's disease: This inner ear disorder affects balance and hearing. It usually affects only one ear and can cause severe dizziness and hearing loss.
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction: This tube connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and helps regulate ear pressure. Dysfunction can lead to symptoms like fullness in the ear, hearing loss, and tinnitus.
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders: Issues with the jaw joint and surrounding muscles can also cause tinnitus. In such cases, it usually comes and goes and may be accompanied by jaw pain or headaches.
  • Psychological factors: Stress and anxiety can exacerbate the sounds or make you more aware of them. While they are not direct causes, managing stress can often help reduce symptoms.

If wax removal doesn't help your tinnitus, Oto is here to help. Check out our resources, including positive lifestyle tips and how to sleep with tinnitus.

Oto: Your go-to digital support for tinnitus

If you've been wrestling with the persistent annoyance of tinnitus, you may have explored various potential causes, including excessive earwax. However, it's crucial to understand that earwax buildup is not always the culprit. 

Even when it does play a role, a holistic strategy is vital for effectively managing your symptoms. Introducing Oto, your all-encompassing digital partner in the journey to tune out tinnitus.

Why Choose Oto?

Oto is a mission-driven platform created by a team that intimately understands the challenges of tinnitus. With a unique blend of medical acumen and personal empathy, it offers a scientifically-backed yet user-friendly solution.

The Power of CBT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands as the cornerstone of Oto's approach. It is recognised as the most effective evidence-based method for helping individuals cope with tinnitus. Unlike other platforms that focus on hardware or traditional therapies, we leverage the unparalleled effectiveness of CBT to offer real solutions.

Tailored Digital Programs

The mobile app is a treasure trove of expertly curated content that addresses various aspects of life impacted by tinnitus, from sleep to focus. It also features a guided audio program that mimics a personal therapy session, offering immediate and tailored support.

Instant Support, Anytime, Anywhere

Accessibility is key. With Oto, you can tap into a wealth of resources right from your mobile device, no matter where you are. The platform also hosts exclusive webinars and Q&As with global tinnitus experts, keeping you informed and empowered.

1-1 Personalised Support

For a more individualised approach, we offer a 1-1 program that marries expert video coaching with the app's digital resources. This synergistic method provides a bespoke roadmap to help you tune out tinnitus more effectively and quickly.

User-Centric Design

The platform is designed to be intuitive, making it accessible for everyone, regardless of tech proficiency. Additional features like success stories and free consultations offer extra layers of support.

Addressing your concerns

  • Daily interruptions: Oto equips you with the tools to minimise tinnitus-related disruptions in your daily life.
  • Sleep quality: Specialised sleep content ensures you can achieve restful sleep despite the challenges.
  • Stress management: With CBT techniques and mindfulness practices, Oto helps you manage stress and anxiety effectively.

Ready to make a meaningful change? Download Oto from the App Store or Google Play and start your journey to tuning out tinnitus today.


Tinnitus is a complex condition with a multitude of potential causes, ranging from excessive earwax to age-related hearing loss and even certain medications. While earwax management can offer some relief, it's rarely a standalone solution. A holistic approach, encompassing various treatments and lifestyle adjustments, is often the most effective strategy.

CBT stands out as the most useful proven therapy for tinnitus. Leveraging the unparalleled benefits of this therapy, Oto stands as your digital ally, offering a tailored approach to help you effectively tune out tinnitus.

Ready to take the next step in your journey to combat tinnitus? Start with Oto today.

Preguntas frecuentes

Can ear wax cause tinnitus?

Yes, if ear wax blocks sound from entering the canal, it can be a potential cause of tinnitus.

What is the primary function of ear wax?

Ear wax, medically referred to as cerumen, naturally occurs to protect the skin of the ear canal.

How is ear wax composed?

Ear wax is made up of skin cells and oil from cerumenous and sebaceous glands.

What are the signs of excessive ear wax?

Signs include a feeling of fullness or difficulty hearing, tinnitus, and an excessive amount of ear wax on headphone ear buds or hearing aids.

How can one safely manage ear wax at home?

After showering or bathing, ear wax in the outer ear can be cleaned using a towel or ear swab. However, ear swabs should not be used in the canal due to the potential of impacting wax and causing ear problems.

What methods of ear wax removal should be avoided?

Avoid ear candles, using ear swabs in the canal, sharp objects in the canal, and pouring liquid or powder in the ear canal unless directed by a medical practitioner.

How do professionals treat excessive ear wax?

Professionals may use tools like ear swabs, a curette, forceps, irrigation methods, or suctioning tools. Some professionals will also use microsuction under direct vision using a microscope to remove wax.

Can ear syringing be used for ear wax removal?

Ear syringing is not recommended for those who have had ear surgery, have a history of ear drum perforation, or are immunosuppressed. Alternative methods like olive oil drops or sodium bicarbonate drops are safer for at-home ear wax removal.

How often should earwax be removed?

Ear wax should only be removed if it presents a problem. The frequency of removal varies based on individual needs and can range from every couple of weeks, months or years.

If ear wax removal doesn't alleviate tinnitus, what can be done?

If tinnitus persists after wax removal, there might be other causes, such as hearing loss. In such cases, resources like the Oto app can offer techniques like CBT, sound enrichment, and mindfulness activities to help manage tinnitus.

Need help with your tinnitus?
Learn out to tune out tinnitus and tune back into life with Oto's clinically proven program
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Can earwax cause tinnitus? Discover the connection between tinnitus and earwax. Learn effective strategies for managing tinnitus symptoms caused by earwax.
Alexandra Costlow, Au.D.

Alexandra Costlow, Au.D.

Revisado médicamente por
Dr. Jameel Muzaffar
Audiólogo y especialista en acúfenos
5 de julio de 2021

The link between earwax and tinnitus: What you should know

Struggling with tinnitus and suspecting earwax could be the cause? The relationship between the two might not be as straightforward as you'd expect. Earwax plays a crucial role in safeguarding your ear canal. But when it comes to tinnitus, could this natural defence mechanism actually be a contributing factor?

In this comprehensive guide, we'll specifically explore the role of earwax in tinnitus, providing you with signs to look for and actionable solutions for relief.

Cera en los oídos y acúfenos: ¿cuál es la relación?

Es posible que la cera del oído sea la culpable del tinnitus si impide que el sonido penetre en el conducto. Es importante saber que la cera del oído, también conocida médicamente como cerumen, se produce de forma natural y sirve para proteger la piel del conducto auditivo.

Una vez que se haya sometido a una limpieza profesional de los oídos, si sigue notando acúfenos, la aplicación Oto le ofrece un enfoque integral para reducir la intrusión de acúfenos.

A continuación, encontrará una guía para saber si la cera del oído está causando tinnitus y cuándo, y qué se puede hacer al respecto para mejorar su tinnitus.

What is earwax?

Ear "wax", known medically as cerumen, is a bit of a misnomer in that it is not really wax like the substance of candles. Instead, it is a naturally occurring substance in the outer and inner ear that is comprised of:

  • Células de la piel
  • Oil from ceruminous and sebaceous glands

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What is the purpose of earwax?

Earwax serves several essential functions for your ear health. Contrary to popular belief, a healthy amount of the substance is generally not a cause of tinnitus, and symptoms may even subside naturally over time.

Functions of earwax:

  • Moisturisation: One of its primary roles is to moisturise the skin within the canal. This prevents dry, itchy ears, which can be uncomfortable and lead to other complications.
  • Protection: It acts as a natural barrier, trapping dirt, dust, and other particles that could otherwise enter the ear and potentially cause damage or infection.
  • Self-cleaning: Believe it or not, earwax contributes to the ear's self-cleaning mechanism. As it moves outward, it collects debris and helps in its natural expulsion.
  • Anti-microbial properties: The substance contains enzymes that have antibacterial and antifungal properties, offering another layer of protection against infections.
  • Sound transmission: While not its primary function, a moderate amount of earwax can also aid in the transmission of sound within the ear canal.

¿Cómo afecta la cera a los oídos?

El cerumen puede impedir que el sonido penetre en el conducto auditivo.
El cerumen puede impedir que el sonido penetre en el conducto auditivo.

La cera de los oídos debe existir en los oídos, pero puede llegar a ser problemática si:

  • Impide que el sonido penetre en el conducto auditivo externo, lo que provoca acúfenos.
  • Interfiere con el uso de auriculares, auriculares con cancelación de ruido o audífonos.
  • Provoca irritación o molestias en el oído*.

*Es importante tener en cuenta que existen otras causas de molestias e irritación del oído. Se recomienda consultar al médico de cabecera o al otorrinolaringólogo si los síntomas persisten.

Diferentes texturas y calidades de la cera de los oídos

Earwax can vary from person to person, and it depends on a number of variables such as genetics and ethnicity.

Some common variations include:

  • Mojado
  • Seco
  • Flaky
  • White/yellow
  • Dark purple, red, brown, or black (generally suggests that it has been in the canal for a longer period and sometimes may require medical attention)
  • Duro o impactado profundamente en el canal
  • Suave
  • Visible in small amounts or not noticeable at all
  • Clumpy or only present in certain parts of the canal

Is the colour, amount, and texture of your earwax normal? Check out this video to see what your earwax says about your health.

Can earwax cause tinnitus?

While tinnitus can have multiple causes, earwax buildup is one of the factors that can contribute to these symptoms. Below, we delve into various aspects of this question to provide a comprehensive understanding.

How does earwax buildup happen?

Earwax usually migrates out of the ear naturally. However, the following factors can lead to buildup:

  • Age: The consistency of our earwax can change as we age, becoming drier and harder to move through the ear canal. 
  • Use of hearing aids or earplugs: Devices inserted into the ear can prevent the migration of earwax, causing it to accumulate over time.
  • Anatomical structure: Some people have narrow or unusually shaped ear canals, which can hinder the flow.
  • Excessive production: Certain medical conditions or even a genetic predisposition can lead to excessive production, overwhelming the ear's cleaning process.
  • Lifestyle factors: Activities like swimming can introduce moisture into the ear, causing earwax to swell and potentially become trapped.
  • Manual removal attempts: Ironically, manual removal attempts using cotton swabs or other tools can often push the wax deeper into the ear canal, exacerbating the problem.

How does earwax cause tinnitus?

To understand how earwax causes tinnitus, it's essential to know how sound is conducted within the ear. 

Sound waves enter the ear canal and reach the eardrum, causing it to vibrate. These vibrations are then transferred to the inner ear, where they are processed and sent to the brain as sound signals. Any obstruction in this pathway can distort these transmissions, potentially leading to tinnitus.

When excessive earwax builds up, it can create two primary types of obstructions:

  • Pressing against the eardrum: This can dampen the eardrum's natural vibrations, affecting the quality of sound that is transmitted to the inner ear.
  • Blocking the ear canal: It can also create a blockage in the ear canal itself, preventing sound waves from reaching the eardrum effectively.

Both of these scenarios can distort the natural sound conduction process, leading to the perception of phantom noises like ringing, buzzing, or hissing, which are commonly associated with tinnitus.

Additionally, the pressure or fluid buildup caused by impacted earwax can irritate the delicate structures of the ear, further contributing to such symptoms. This can exacerbate the auditory distortions, making the tinnitus more persistent and potentially more severe.

With that said, the severity of symptoms can vary from person to person. For some, it may be a mild, temporary condition that resolves itself once the earwax is removed. For others, especially those with chronic earwax accumulation issues, the tinnitus can be more persistent and may require ongoing management.

Other symptoms of earwax-related tinnitus

When tinnitus is caused by earwax buildup, it's often not an isolated symptom. Recognising the common co-occurring signs is crucial for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.



Pérdida auditiva

The buildup obstructs sound waves, leading to diminished hearing. This is usually conductive in nature and often reversible upon earwax removal.

Fullness or pressure

A feeling of fullness, heaviness, or pressure in the ear occurs when the impacted earwax blocks the ear canal.

Ear pain

Some individuals experience aching or discomfort. The pain can range from mild to severe and may intensify when chewing or moving the jaw.

Vertigo or dizziness

Though less common, episodes of vertigo or dizziness can occur. The ear plays a crucial role in maintaining balance, and any obstruction can disrupt this system.

Itching or discharge

Itching or a discharge could indicate that the earwax has been in place for an extended period and may have led to an infection.

Auditory distortions

Other auditory distortions like echoing, muffling, or temporary deafness may occur. 

Tinnitus fluctuations

The intensity and type of sounds may vary. Activities involving jaw movement, such as eating or talking, can shift the impacted earwax, making the tinnitus more pronounced.

Diagnosing earwax-related tinnitus

If you're experiencing severe symptoms like persistent tinnitus, significant hearing loss, or intense ear pain and suspect it is related to earwax buildup, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. They will typically perform a physical check of the ears using an otoscope to visualise the ear canal and eardrum. In some cases, additional examinations may be necessary, such as a hearing test or imaging studies.

How to remove excessive earwax

If you're dealing with issues related to excessive earwax, you're likely wondering how to safely and effectively remove the buildup. Here’s how to do it correctly:

Over-the-counter solutions

  • Ear drops: Saline-based or carbamide peroxide ear drops can soften the earwax, making it easier to remove. These come with a bulb syringe to gently flush out the softened earwax. Make sure to use warm water to avoid dizziness. Importantly, follow the instructions on the packaging and consult a pharmacist if you have any concerns.

Home remedies

  • Warm oil: A few drops of warm olive or mineral oil can help. Tilt your head to one side and use a dropper to apply the oil. Wait for five to 10 minutes before tilting your head the other way to let the oil and wax drain out.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: A solution of hydrogen peroxide and water can also be effective. However, this method is not recommended for those with sensitive skin or ear infections.

Manual removal

  • Curette: Some people opt for manual removal using a curette. This should only be done by a healthcare provider to avoid damaging the ear canal or eardrum.
  • Microsuction: This is a medical procedure which involves the use of a microscope and a small suction device to remove the earwax. It's considered safe and effective but should only be performed by a qualified individual.

What to avoid

  • Cotton swabs: Contrary to popular belief, cotton swabs can push the earwax further into the ear canal, exacerbating the problem.
  • Candling: This method involves inserting a hollow candle into the ear and lighting it to create a vacuum to draw out the earwax. However, it's widely considered to be ineffective and potentially dangerous.
  • Sharp items: Do not use any other sharp object in the canal which can damage or perforate the eardrum.
  • Special cases: If you have a history of a tear or hole in the eardrum (medically referred to as a tympanic membrane perforation) or ear surgery, do not treat yourself. Consult an otolaryngologist for earwax removal.

Precautions and aftercare

  • Follow-up: After any earwax removal procedure, a follow-up appointment is recommended to ensure that all the residue has been successfully withdrawn and to check for any potential complications.
  • Ongoing maintenance: If you're prone to earwax buildup, your healthcare provider may recommend regular check-ups and possibly preventive treatment.

¿Con qué frecuencia hay que eliminar la cera de los oídos?

Un profesional puede recomendarle que programe una depilación rutinaria en función de su historial y sus necesidades.

La mayoría de las personas no necesitarán que se les controle el cerumen, pero en el caso de las que sí lo necesiten, la frecuencia con que se les revise, controle o elimine dependerá de diversos factores:

  • ¿Tiene antecedentes de acumulación excesiva de cera?
  • ¿Se puede tratar el cerumen en casa?
  • ¿Se acumula la cera en el oído y obstruye el conducto?
  • ¿Provoca el cerumen dificultades auditivas, oídos tapados, irritación, picor, acúfenos u otras molestias en los oídos?

Es una buena idea hablar con su otorrinolaringólogo sobre la conveniencia y el momento de eliminar el cerumen para determinar si es necesario concertar citas previas para la eliminación del cerumen o si existen técnicas caseras que pueden ser seguras y eficaces.

Para las personas que necesitan depilación profesional, el procedimiento suele programarse una vez cada dos semanas o meses.

¿Mejora el tinnitus la eliminación de la cera de los oídos?

Para que la eliminación del cerumen mejore el tinnitus, el cerumen debe impedir que el sonido pase a través del conducto auditivo y el método de eliminación debe eliminar una cantidad suficiente de cerumen para crear una vía para el sonido.

Es posible que la eliminación de la cera pueda mejorar el tinnitus si ablanda la cera de modo que salga de los oídos de forma natural.

La eliminación del cerumen que impide que el sonido pase a través del conducto auditivo externo hasta el tímpano puede mejorar el tinnitus de forma inmediata.

El acúfeno puede desaparecer por completo o simplemente mejorar (sonar más suave o parecer más tolerable).

A veces el acúfeno no mejora, y en este caso se supone que el cerumen no es el único factor que contribuye al acúfeno.

Other causes of tinnitus beyond earwax buildup

It's essential to recognise that tinnitus can have multiple causes. If you've ruled out earwax buildup or have experienced only temporary relief after its removal, you may need to explore other potential reasons for your symptoms. This section aims to shed light on the various factors.

  • Age-related hearing loss: As you age, your hearing naturally deteriorates. This decline is most commonly observed in individuals over the age of 60.
  • Noise exposure: Exposure to loud noises, whether sudden or over an extended period, can cause temporary or even permanent tinnitus. Hence, occupations involving loud machinery or frequent attendance at loud concerts can put you at risk.
  • Medications: Certain medications, including some antibiotics, antimalarial drugs, and certain diuretics, can cause tinnitus as a side effect. Always consult your healthcare provider if you suspect your medication is causing your symptoms.
  • Ear or head injuries: Injuries to the ear or head can affect the inner ear. This includes traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) and damage to the ear bones.
  • Cardiovascular issues: Poor circulation, high blood pressure, or arterial issues can also be a cause. In such cases, the condition often manifests as a pulsing sound in sync with your heartbeat.
  • Meniere's disease: This inner ear disorder affects balance and hearing. It usually affects only one ear and can cause severe dizziness and hearing loss.
  • Eustachian tube dysfunction: This tube connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and helps regulate ear pressure. Dysfunction can lead to symptoms like fullness in the ear, hearing loss, and tinnitus.
  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders: Issues with the jaw joint and surrounding muscles can also cause tinnitus. In such cases, it usually comes and goes and may be accompanied by jaw pain or headaches.
  • Psychological factors: Stress and anxiety can exacerbate the sounds or make you more aware of them. While they are not direct causes, managing stress can often help reduce symptoms.

If wax removal doesn't help your tinnitus, Oto is here to help. Check out our resources, including positive lifestyle tips and how to sleep with tinnitus.

Oto: Your go-to digital support for tinnitus

If you've been wrestling with the persistent annoyance of tinnitus, you may have explored various potential causes, including excessive earwax. However, it's crucial to understand that earwax buildup is not always the culprit. 

Even when it does play a role, a holistic strategy is vital for effectively managing your symptoms. Introducing Oto, your all-encompassing digital partner in the journey to tune out tinnitus.

Why Choose Oto?

Oto is a mission-driven platform created by a team that intimately understands the challenges of tinnitus. With a unique blend of medical acumen and personal empathy, it offers a scientifically-backed yet user-friendly solution.

The Power of CBT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands as the cornerstone of Oto's approach. It is recognised as the most effective evidence-based method for helping individuals cope with tinnitus. Unlike other platforms that focus on hardware or traditional therapies, we leverage the unparalleled effectiveness of CBT to offer real solutions.

Tailored Digital Programs

The mobile app is a treasure trove of expertly curated content that addresses various aspects of life impacted by tinnitus, from sleep to focus. It also features a guided audio program that mimics a personal therapy session, offering immediate and tailored support.

Instant Support, Anytime, Anywhere

Accessibility is key. With Oto, you can tap into a wealth of resources right from your mobile device, no matter where you are. The platform also hosts exclusive webinars and Q&As with global tinnitus experts, keeping you informed and empowered.

1-1 Personalised Support

For a more individualised approach, we offer a 1-1 program that marries expert video coaching with the app's digital resources. This synergistic method provides a bespoke roadmap to help you tune out tinnitus more effectively and quickly.

User-Centric Design

The platform is designed to be intuitive, making it accessible for everyone, regardless of tech proficiency. Additional features like success stories and free consultations offer extra layers of support.

Addressing your concerns

  • Daily interruptions: Oto equips you with the tools to minimise tinnitus-related disruptions in your daily life.
  • Sleep quality: Specialised sleep content ensures you can achieve restful sleep despite the challenges.
  • Stress management: With CBT techniques and mindfulness practices, Oto helps you manage stress and anxiety effectively.

Ready to make a meaningful change? Download Oto from the App Store or Google Play and start your journey to tuning out tinnitus today.


Tinnitus is a complex condition with a multitude of potential causes, ranging from excessive earwax to age-related hearing loss and even certain medications. While earwax management can offer some relief, it's rarely a standalone solution. A holistic approach, encompassing various treatments and lifestyle adjustments, is often the most effective strategy.

CBT stands out as the most useful proven therapy for tinnitus. Leveraging the unparalleled benefits of this therapy, Oto stands as your digital ally, offering a tailored approach to help you effectively tune out tinnitus.

Ready to take the next step in your journey to combat tinnitus? Start with Oto today.

Preguntas frecuentes

Can ear wax cause tinnitus?

Yes, if ear wax blocks sound from entering the canal, it can be a potential cause of tinnitus.

What is the primary function of ear wax?

Ear wax, medically referred to as cerumen, naturally occurs to protect the skin of the ear canal.

How is ear wax composed?

Ear wax is made up of skin cells and oil from cerumenous and sebaceous glands.

What are the signs of excessive ear wax?

Signs include a feeling of fullness or difficulty hearing, tinnitus, and an excessive amount of ear wax on headphone ear buds or hearing aids.

How can one safely manage ear wax at home?

After showering or bathing, ear wax in the outer ear can be cleaned using a towel or ear swab. However, ear swabs should not be used in the canal due to the potential of impacting wax and causing ear problems.

What methods of ear wax removal should be avoided?

Avoid ear candles, using ear swabs in the canal, sharp objects in the canal, and pouring liquid or powder in the ear canal unless directed by a medical practitioner.

How do professionals treat excessive ear wax?

Professionals may use tools like ear swabs, a curette, forceps, irrigation methods, or suctioning tools. Some professionals will also use microsuction under direct vision using a microscope to remove wax.

Can ear syringing be used for ear wax removal?

Ear syringing is not recommended for those who have had ear surgery, have a history of ear drum perforation, or are immunosuppressed. Alternative methods like olive oil drops or sodium bicarbonate drops are safer for at-home ear wax removal.

How often should earwax be removed?

Ear wax should only be removed if it presents a problem. The frequency of removal varies based on individual needs and can range from every couple of weeks, months or years.

If ear wax removal doesn't alleviate tinnitus, what can be done?

If tinnitus persists after wax removal, there might be other causes, such as hearing loss. In such cases, resources like the Oto app can offer techniques like CBT, sound enrichment, and mindfulness activities to help manage tinnitus.

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